Friday, October 19, 2007

Meatless Days/Lost in Translation

I really liked Meatless Days and Lost in Translation because they tell stories about cultures different from our own, along with how the authors (Eva Hoffman and Sara Suleri dealt with blending their original cultures with a new one.

I liked the topic to begin with because I can relate to cultural differences and how combining the two is a difficult process.

I also think both readings really complemented each other-- I didn't really like Meatless Days the first time I read it, but after reading Lost in Translation, I reread Meatless Days and it made much more sense to me and I enjoyed it a lot more.

It's interesting how Hoffman associates the cultural changes with words, while Suleri relates everything to food.

Also, at the end of the readings, you find out that Suleri no longer celebrates Ramadan and clearly, Hoffman can wirte perfectly eloquent english.

I think I'm going to write my paper about these two readings, comparing/contrasting how although they were in similar situations, they went through their experiences differently, and how they have made their cultural changes.